that’s me.

My name is Ayaka Kamei. I’m a dancer, choreographer, teacher and performer born in Japan, living in Germany.

From the very beginning I have been a moving person. – Since I was a kid, I was dancing and soon I started with ballet lessons.

Ayaka Kamei portrait

2005 I mooved to Canada to visit the Quinte Ballet School of Canada under directorship of Gizella Witkowsky and Owen Montague.

In 2008 I went to Ecole Supérieure de Danse de Cannes Rosella Hightower in France for one year. Directors: Monique Loudières and Monet Robier.

My first engagement as professional dancer started in 2010 at Noism Company Niigata, Japan under director Jo Kanamori for five years.

I went to Europe in 2016 and started to work at Dance Company Theater Osnabrück, Germany for eight years with the directors Mauro de Candia and later Marguerite Donlon.

Since 2024 I’m a freelance dancer, teacher and choreographer.

While my career I had the pleasure to work with many interesting artists and choreographers. Here are a few of them.

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